I SWEAR...this weekend, I am blogging! I will get everyone up to date.With the trip home and now trying to get ready for Tony's mom's visit and birthday...its a little crazy!
Love to all!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
The break down of the 39 year old body!
Ah the times I have had over the past week! Never a dull moment in the Davis house. We are all well and melting here in Alaska.It has been in the low 4Os's and I swear spring is coming. My pussy willows are budding and is February! Fur rondy is this weekend and this time last year it was 10 degrees and we had tons of snow.
With it staying light more and the weather improving we have been getting out more. Last weekend we planned to go out for a family night of neon bowling. Thought it would be fun for us and Karter has wanted to do it for awhile. Off we went. We were meeting one of my co-workers and I was looking forward to some fun as well. We were there maybe 20 minutes and Shannon had to ruin the fun. I had chosen my ball and was returning to the lane to place it on the ball return. I did not make it. Instead,I fell on my face. There was a small step the separated the carpet from the wood floor. The carpet was black and it was dark in the alley and I did not see it. When I fell, I heard the worst cracking and tearing noise from my ankle. The pain was instant.Tony's back was turned, but he was soon right there to peal me up. I have never felt such sharp pain. I had fallen on my wrist and right knee at the same time. Karter got the ice and I got to sit. I did not want to leave and disappoint Karter, so I watched and really wanted to just go home, but he was having fun.So, after a couple hours, I hobbled out and into the car. Every bump on the way home was huge. I was sick to my stomach from the pain and just wanted to go home. Once i got home, i remembered I had several stairs to try and climb...FUN! Long story short....Sunday morning we were off to the ER. X-rays and braces later...I had fractured the first MTP joint and the head of the metatarsel.In english...broken ankle. I had also sprained my wrist and Hurry! a stabilizing boot and arm brace were mine! A week later and I am able to just wear a brace and the boot if I have swelling. I was so glad to have it off yesterday.We went for a short walk and it did OK.BUT,as the night went on, I had this odd pain in a tooth. It was hurting and very sensitive. Weird...I have never had teeth issues and what was this? Pain? A toothache? ooh yes, a big toothache.Into the night and early this AM.I was to the point that pulling it myself was a great idea.One x-ray later and a root canal was in my future.Again...hurray! I have never had a root canal and did not want one now. Dr. Guy was great...numbed me every two hours until we could get it opened.The tooth was too hot and we had to medicate it until it calms down.What a day!Antibiotics and Advil.I am done! No more for me! I am coming home in a month and I swear I will be in one piece.Will this keep me from running with the reindeer this weekend...NO! I will walk it!I have priorities!Stay tuned for the pictures and fun!
Love to you all!
The "broken" Eskimo!
With it staying light more and the weather improving we have been getting out more. Last weekend we planned to go out for a family night of neon bowling. Thought it would be fun for us and Karter has wanted to do it for awhile. Off we went. We were meeting one of my co-workers and I was looking forward to some fun as well. We were there maybe 20 minutes and Shannon had to ruin the fun. I had chosen my ball and was returning to the lane to place it on the ball return. I did not make it. Instead,I fell on my face. There was a small step the separated the carpet from the wood floor. The carpet was black and it was dark in the alley and I did not see it. When I fell, I heard the worst cracking and tearing noise from my ankle. The pain was instant.Tony's back was turned, but he was soon right there to peal me up. I have never felt such sharp pain. I had fallen on my wrist and right knee at the same time. Karter got the ice and I got to sit. I did not want to leave and disappoint Karter, so I watched and really wanted to just go home, but he was having fun.So, after a couple hours, I hobbled out and into the car. Every bump on the way home was huge. I was sick to my stomach from the pain and just wanted to go home. Once i got home, i remembered I had several stairs to try and climb...FUN! Long story short....Sunday morning we were off to the ER. X-rays and braces later...I had fractured the first MTP joint and the head of the metatarsel.In english...broken ankle. I had also sprained my wrist and Hurry! a stabilizing boot and arm brace were mine! A week later and I am able to just wear a brace and the boot if I have swelling. I was so glad to have it off yesterday.We went for a short walk and it did OK.BUT,as the night went on, I had this odd pain in a tooth. It was hurting and very sensitive. Weird...I have never had teeth issues and what was this? Pain? A toothache? ooh yes, a big toothache.Into the night and early this AM.I was to the point that pulling it myself was a great idea.One x-ray later and a root canal was in my future.Again...hurray! I have never had a root canal and did not want one now. Dr. Guy was great...numbed me every two hours until we could get it opened.The tooth was too hot and we had to medicate it until it calms down.What a day!Antibiotics and Advil.I am done! No more for me! I am coming home in a month and I swear I will be in one piece.Will this keep me from running with the reindeer this weekend...NO! I will walk it!I have priorities!Stay tuned for the pictures and fun!
Love to you all!
The "broken" Eskimo!
Friday, January 29, 2010
I have a fever and that fever is more cowbell!
It has happened. I think I have cabin fever. It is driving me crazy. I hate all this snow and I swear I haven't seen the sun in months. Its gray and cold and I am inside gray and cold.Everything is bothering me.Everybody is bothering me.We are REALLY slow at work and when people get bored, the drama starts. I keep to myself and watch them self destruct.Sometimes that is more fun.BUT this last week I would have been right in the middle of it all!I am having a hard time knowing that I am flying home in 6 weeks and I swear it might as well be a lifetime.I have gone out and bought myself a few new pieces of cloths and that does not seem to have cured a thing.Maybe flip flops is what I need? I have been to the tanning bed so often, I am now Hispanic. I have not touched my hair....yet. I am REALLY trying to stay away from that.I have cleaned out the closets and thrown out 6 bags of cloths just this week.I have read every magazine that is out right now.I have finished reading Eclipse,again.I have shaved,plucked and polished so much that I don't think I have eyebrows or at least they may never recover.I think I need to cook or bake something.I told Karter we might look into making donuts.Although I know they are made by Satan, it is worth a try.I have watched lifetime so much that I now can commit the perfect murder of my husbands cousins uncles wife and get away with it for the insurance money.My big adventure for next week, I want to go and have a pedicure and have the toe tech paint everyone of my toenails a different color.I just want to see if they would really do it.
Over all, I think I am a little out of my mind.I have not gone to doorbusters at JC Penny's since the first of the month and I don't really want to. This is a warning sign. So there you go, Shannon's current state of mind, questionable, or normal...It's driving me nuts!
Much love to you all!
The "Crazy" Eskimo! No wait....this is normal for an Eskimo...so I guess I am normal?
Over all, I think I am a little out of my mind.I have not gone to doorbusters at JC Penny's since the first of the month and I don't really want to. This is a warning sign. So there you go, Shannon's current state of mind, questionable, or normal...It's driving me nuts!
Much love to you all!
The "Crazy" Eskimo! No wait....this is normal for an Eskimo...so I guess I am normal?
Friday, January 22, 2010
As time goes by...
January 22,1993....We had decide to do it.Get married.We did not have a big romantic wedding or spend thousands of dollars on a big reception. We had a little ceremony,by a judge, at the court house.I did the right thing and stayed somewhere else the night before.Seemed silly, but the whole not see each other before the wedding thing I guess.That didn't last long, because Mom,Dad and I went to have breakfast and well, I called Tony.
What is pancakes without Tony? We had a nice breakfast together and then went our separate ways until late afternoon. I did the hair,make-up thing and blah blah blah. I look back and remember it was gray and windy, but I didn't care. I was not nervous or worried things weren't in there place or who was or wasn't going to be there.
It was short and sweet and over before we knew it. He was so handsome in his tux.I have only seen him one other time in a tux (his brother's wedding).My dress and the lace shoes hang in a bag at mom's house. My flowers are in a box above it and that was 17 years ago today.
We have had many adventures and he has taken me to Alaska more then once. We have lived in Boise,Seattle,Fairbanks and now Anchorage. There have been tears,laughter,sickness and health.I have obeyed...OK, well sometimes I have,No wait.....Lets say I am still working on that one. We have lost friends and family together. We created the perfect human,Karter, but most of all Tony has done all this without complaining.He lives with me and that is NOT easy. I can except this.... and say without hesitation that I am a roulette shot. You can call it, but you never know what you will get.
When I started to write this I went over everything that Tony does for me. The list is huge.He truly takes care of Karter and I and I am so lucky to have that. Just for fun, I am going to list what Tony does for me on a normal day. I know I will miss somethings, but this is interesting. He ALWAYS is up before Karter and I. He showers,drinks his coffee,and then....he wakes the beast,Shannon.He does not let me wake to an alarm.He will turn off my fan and gently touch me.This is a life threatening job.If I awake to an alarm or get woken up rudely...It's all over.The day never recovers.I then listen to him blow dry his hair and when he is done, I get up.He starts my car EVERYDAY...Who needs auto start? He scraps the windows and cleans it off. He checks on me during the day and when the job gets out of hand, He listens to me at lunch complain. I try and call to warn them I am on my way home. I am not sure what they do to prepare for my arrival, but I am always greeted with hugs.Now that I think about this it could be a funny thing. I could see them running and screaming "The broom is landing!" picking things up,turning off shows they are not suppose to be watching,cleaning like mad men. It can't be that bad? Hummm Anyway. When I arrive Tony has fed Karter and for the most part cleaned up. Since I do not eat dinner, he takes care of that before I get home.If I go to the gym or tanning, they go or have already been so I can go alone.He will run my bath if I ask but I normally do this.He cames every time I call.Even for the littlest things.He watches what I like and I get him addicted to the vampire movies or shows.He will let me ooh and ahh over all my celebrity boyfriends.At night he tucks me in,brings me water,turns on any necessary machines,takes the dogs out,turns on the fan and shuts the door. All for it to start the next day.Now you may be wondering how this man has even survived 17 years of married life? Now that I typed that I am wondering how or why he has survived this long, WOW.I warned you that I was not easy.
With that all said, I am very lucky to have him. Now don't think that he does ALL the work. I have my fair share but I think he is the one that makes the sacrifices.He is the one that should have the anniversary. The anniversary of survival!
He is the half that completes my heart.I am lost when he is gone.Its as if I don't have an arm or leg. I walk in circles and am just not a functioning person.For this, I am so thankful.He is the first person I call, ok second after my mom but I do call him next.When I have done something stupid, HE is the first person I do call.
I know I am suppose to be typing beautiful words of anniversary memories and mushier stuff, but we all know that is not me.What I will say is if Tony stays around for another 17 years...I will be truly lucky.
Happy 17th muppet!
Hope you are all well!
The Eskimo's
P.S. Training for the 2nd annual running of the reindeer AND snowshoe soft ball continues!
What is pancakes without Tony? We had a nice breakfast together and then went our separate ways until late afternoon. I did the hair,make-up thing and blah blah blah. I look back and remember it was gray and windy, but I didn't care. I was not nervous or worried things weren't in there place or who was or wasn't going to be there.
It was short and sweet and over before we knew it. He was so handsome in his tux.I have only seen him one other time in a tux (his brother's wedding).My dress and the lace shoes hang in a bag at mom's house. My flowers are in a box above it and that was 17 years ago today.
We have had many adventures and he has taken me to Alaska more then once. We have lived in Boise,Seattle,Fairbanks and now Anchorage. There have been tears,laughter,sickness and health.I have obeyed...OK, well sometimes I have,No wait.....Lets say I am still working on that one. We have lost friends and family together. We created the perfect human,Karter, but most of all Tony has done all this without complaining.He lives with me and that is NOT easy. I can except this.... and say without hesitation that I am a roulette shot. You can call it, but you never know what you will get.
When I started to write this I went over everything that Tony does for me. The list is huge.He truly takes care of Karter and I and I am so lucky to have that. Just for fun, I am going to list what Tony does for me on a normal day. I know I will miss somethings, but this is interesting. He ALWAYS is up before Karter and I. He showers,drinks his coffee,and then....he wakes the beast,Shannon.He does not let me wake to an alarm.He will turn off my fan and gently touch me.This is a life threatening job.If I awake to an alarm or get woken up rudely...It's all over.The day never recovers.I then listen to him blow dry his hair and when he is done, I get up.He starts my car EVERYDAY...Who needs auto start? He scraps the windows and cleans it off. He checks on me during the day and when the job gets out of hand, He listens to me at lunch complain. I try and call to warn them I am on my way home. I am not sure what they do to prepare for my arrival, but I am always greeted with hugs.Now that I think about this it could be a funny thing. I could see them running and screaming "The broom is landing!" picking things up,turning off shows they are not suppose to be watching,cleaning like mad men. It can't be that bad? Hummm Anyway. When I arrive Tony has fed Karter and for the most part cleaned up. Since I do not eat dinner, he takes care of that before I get home.If I go to the gym or tanning, they go or have already been so I can go alone.He will run my bath if I ask but I normally do this.He cames every time I call.Even for the littlest things.He watches what I like and I get him addicted to the vampire movies or shows.He will let me ooh and ahh over all my celebrity boyfriends.At night he tucks me in,brings me water,turns on any necessary machines,takes the dogs out,turns on the fan and shuts the door. All for it to start the next day.Now you may be wondering how this man has even survived 17 years of married life? Now that I typed that I am wondering how or why he has survived this long, WOW.I warned you that I was not easy.
With that all said, I am very lucky to have him. Now don't think that he does ALL the work. I have my fair share but I think he is the one that makes the sacrifices.He is the one that should have the anniversary. The anniversary of survival!
He is the half that completes my heart.I am lost when he is gone.Its as if I don't have an arm or leg. I walk in circles and am just not a functioning person.For this, I am so thankful.He is the first person I call, ok second after my mom but I do call him next.When I have done something stupid, HE is the first person I do call.
I know I am suppose to be typing beautiful words of anniversary memories and mushier stuff, but we all know that is not me.What I will say is if Tony stays around for another 17 years...I will be truly lucky.
Happy 17th muppet!
Hope you are all well!
The Eskimo's
P.S. Training for the 2nd annual running of the reindeer AND snowshoe soft ball continues!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Home Sick

Happy new year and yes, I have really been a bad blogger. With the holidays and work it got away from me. As did allot of things.
We had a nice holiday break. Nothing exciting to really tell. Just the five of us (this includes the dogs) Karter made a haul as normal. Every year I say I am going to limit it, but then I see something that I know he would like (Or I want). This year it was this little remote controlled mini helicopter. I had my eye on it this past week and the other day I was home alone and decided it was mine! Karter and I had words over it on Christmas day...something about it being his and he wanted to play with it blah blah blah. But, he and Tony were gone. It is a tricky little bugger.You have to be very gentle on the trigger or it flies out of control and will hit you in the eye and cause a small amount of blood. How do I know this....well lets just say I need to learn to duck and let go of the trigger when it flies at you. I know, its all fun and games until someone looses an eye. I will master it sooner or later.
We went over to Jackie and Joels (Co-workers) for Christmas dinner. OOH! I forgot to tell you of the great adventures of our office Christmas party! Dr. Peterson....you will love this.
OK, so the office I work in as you know is a bit different then any other office I have been in. Very how do I say it...liquid.We all like to get together and enjoy food,fun and...well they enjoy the booze. We were at a local Mexican restaurant and they put us all downstairs.The stairs were questionable, but what do you do? As the night progressed so did the spirits.Lots and lots of spirits. I Shannon sat back and watched.After a couple hours of this I looked at my co-worker and said it was time to go, so we left. After we left, my other co-worker,Jackie fell down the stairs.She feel backwards down the stairs and slammed her head on the concrete floor. She was out. In fact they really thought she was dead. She did not move and was not breathing.Dr.Guy was right there and was trying to not move her when she came to. We still don't know what that was about. Well long story short.The EMTS arrived and took her to the hospital. She had a brain bleed and does not remember any of the the events. She was in the hospital for 2 days. She is still in so much pain. She is very tiny (size 2) and really hurt her ribs and neck. That was on December 16.It was so scary. I am so glad she is ok....still healing, but ok. Now you would think this is a lesson to us all on how not to drink. Nope, 4 days later at the "2nd office" Christmas party it all started again. This time there was no EMTS, but 1 bottle of red wine on the carpet and rum all over the lab floor. I went home. Never a dull moment at work! It is not a real party until the EMTS are called.
As this month started, I started to have a weird yearning for Boise.I have missed my friends and family allot with the move but this was different. I have not missed Boise or really want to come back and visit.I was content with being here. Until now. I am home sick.I think with everything happening with mom and her week stay in the hospital and the holidays, it just finally hit.I need to go home for awhile. I need a Blimpie sandwich,a Cobby's sandwich,I need to eat at the cheesecake factory,olive garden,cafe'ole...wow, am I hungry. I want to see my friends and see there faces, not just their face book logs.So, I am coming home for a visit.I will be there March 25-April 6. Dr. Guy is going to Hawaii and I am taking the time too.I was going to bring Karter, but flights are to much right now. We are sending him home this summer for 2 or 3 weeks to stay with gama & papa. 3 weeks without my son...hummm wonder how that will work?
We are all well! All healthy and been very well for the winter.We have dodged H1N1 and it seems staying home with no friends is the true way to stay healthy. hahah
I hope this finds you all happy and healthy as well!
Much love
The Eskimos
P.S. The training for the 2nd annual running of the reindeers has begun! Feb 28, 2010!
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