Friday, February 27, 2009

Karter's Concert and working for Fude !

Last-nite Karter had his Honor Choir concert. He looked very handsome and was funny. After every song, he would turn to the crowd and wait for the applause, then turn back around and start the next song.He was very excited and all wound up the rest of the night. We went to dinner with Jimmie and got home lat. It was a good family night.
It has been a long week and now will be a busy weekend. Yesterday Dr. Guy and I were a bit bored and had some time on our hands, so we went outside to drum up patients..The above photo was the result. We laughed for a long time...I will upload more photos on Sunday. Sorry I have been a slacker again on the blog...Things will settle down and I will get back into a routine. Mom will be here in a month and then Dad will be here on May 12Th for the summer to fish. It will be tight quarters for awhile, but I look forward to it!.
Love to you all
The Rondy Eskimo's

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bad Blogger

I am very sorry, I am a bad blogger. I have been warn out from work & with all the pending tests for the surgery, I have lost track of time.

The volcano still rumbles, but does not blow. I am afraid it will blow around the time my mom flies up to help me. I want to say a VERY special THANK-YOU to my brother & sister-in-law, Chad & Rae. With out the help mom would not have been able to fly up. I was so scared that I would have to go through this alone. Yes, Tony will be here and all my dental family, but this time, I am scared. With all the reports and having three Dr.'s working on me, it has made me nervous. You would think having been through this before it would be like riding a bike, but not this time. So, Chad & Rae....THANK-YOU so much!!
We are looking forward to Fur Rondy in two weeks. James will be here to run the reindeer race. I am making our costumes this weekend and it is hard then I thought. Seems making foam molars should come natural to me, but it is a challenge. I will have a video for all to see. Lets hope my molar does not get pierced by a reindeer.
Tony went to the Dr. last week for the first time in who knows how long and seems to be in good health. The office called him today to come in and talk to the Dr, but did not say why.This makes us nervous. He was to go back in 6 weeks, not 6 days. His heart is good and blood pressure a bit high, but I think we may have a cholesterol issue. I am sure it's all fine, but we worry. So, that is what is happening in the frozen north. Karter is well and will sing in the Honor choir next week in Anchorage.He sings pretty good. It's funny as a mom, I can hear his voice out of all 100 kids. Not sure what is next adventure will be. Know that I love you all and think of you often!

The Eskimo's

Friday, February 6, 2009

On Edge

No new adventures with the volcano. We have moved to the very scary stage of " Let's wait and see" That's what the special trained volcano experts say. Makes one feel very safe. I have been very busy at work and had so little time at home to blog. We are having a girls night out tomorrow and than I have dog handler training for the big dog race coming up on Saturday with it all ending at my co-workers house, "Melba" for a jewelry party.All the guys will be joining us...weird-o's. I will post all the fun on Sunday! I need a little fun. All this surgery stuff is to over whelming.
Love you all!